
Quantum Internet Benefits

  The quantum internet is a network of quantum computers that are connected together using quantum communication. It has the potential to revolutionize many industries, including: Secure communications: The quantum internet would be inherently secure, as it would be impossible to eavesdrop on quantum communications without being detected. This could be used for applications such as secure financial transactions, government communications, and military applications. Quantum computing: The quantum internet would allow quantum computers to be connected together, which would allow them to solve problems that are currently impossible for classical computers. This could be used for applications such as drug discovery, financial modeling, artificial intelligence, and materials science. Quantum sensors: The quantum internet could be used to connect quantum sensors together, which would allow them to create a global network of sensors that could be used to monitor the environment, detect earthq

Java Swing MySql JDBC: insert data into database

Program import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.sql.*; public class insertswing implements ActionListener {   JFrame fr;JPanel po;   JLabel l1,l2,main;   JTextField tf1,tf2;   GridBagConstraints gbc;   GridBagLayout go;   JButton ok,exit; public insertswing(){ fr=new JFrame("New User Data "); Font f=new Font("Verdana",Font.BOLD,24); po=new JPanel(); fr.getContentPane().add(po); fr.setVisible(true); fr.setSize(1024,768); fr.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); po.setBackground(Color.WHITE); go=new GridBagLayout(); gbc=new GridBagConstraints(); po.setLayout(go); main=new JLabel("Enter User Details "); main.setFont(f); l1=new JLabel("Name  :");tf1=new JTextField(20); l2=new JLabel("User Name  :");tf2=new JTextField(20); ok=new JButton("Accept"); exit=new JButton("Exit"); gbc.anchor=GridBagConstraints.NORTH;gbc.gridx=5;gbc.gridy=0; go.s

MySql linux terminal Commands: Basic commands to create and drop databases commands

1. Login on mysql  command mysql -u root -h localhost -p 2. Check Status mysql> status 3. show databases mysql> show databases; 4. Show variables mysql> show variables; 5. Show processlist mysql> show processlist; 6. Using and selecting system already available mysql database mysql> use mysql; mysql> select database(); 7. select user table in mysql database mysql> select Host, User from user or mysql> select Host, User from mysql.user 8. Create database and display it mysql> create database tempDB; mysql> show databases; mysql> use tempDB; mysql> select database(); 9. Drop database  mysql> drop database tempDB;  mysql> show databases; 10. exit  mysql   mysql> exit  

Data Structure and Algorithms : Queue Program in Java

Program: public class queuepgm { private int maxSize; private long[] queArray; private int front; private int rear; private int nItems; public queuepgm(int s) { maxSize = s; queArray = new long[maxSize]; front = 0; rear = -1; nItems = 0; } public void enqueue(long j) { if(rear == maxSize-1) rear = -1; queArray[++rear] = j; nItems++; } public long dequeue() { long temp = queArray[front++]; if(front == maxSize) front = 0; nItems--; return temp; } public long peekFront() {     return queArray[front]; } public boolean isEmpty()       { return (nItems==0); } public boolean isFull() { return (nItems==maxSize); } public int size() { return nItems; } public static void main(String[] args) { queuepgm theQueue = new queuepgm(5); // queue holds 5 items theQueue.enqueue(10); theQueue.enqueue(20); theQueue.enqueue(30); theQueue.enqueue(40); System.out.println("Dequeue Values: FIFO"); while( !theQueue.isEmpty() ) { long n = th

Data Structure and Algorithms : Stack Program in Java

Program public class stackpgm { private int maxSize; private long[] stackArray; private int top; public stackpgm(int s) { maxSize = s; stackArray = new long[maxSize]; top = -1; } public void push(long j) {     if(!isFull())     {       stackArray[++top] = j;     } } public long pop() {           return stackArray[top--];             } public long peek() { return stackArray[top]; } public boolean isEmpty() { return (top == -1); } public boolean isFull() { return (top == maxSize-1); } public static void main(String[] args) { stackpgm theStack = new stackpgm(10); theStack.push(1); theStack.push(2); theStack.push(3); theStack.push(4); System.out.println("Pop up values"); while( !theStack.isEmpty() ) { long value = theStack.pop(); System.out.print(value+"\n"); } } } Output

Head and Tail Commands in Linux

Head Command Description : prints output of first part of the file by default it will print first 10 lines Syntax : head filename examples: 1.  head it will print first 10 lines of the file by default. 2. head -n 50  it will print first 50 lines of the file 3. head it will print first 10 line of the 2 files and 4. head *.java it will print all the java files first 10 lines. 5. head *.java *.class it will print all the java and class files first 10 lines. Tail Command: Description : prints output of last part of the file by default it will print last 10 lines Syntax : tail filename Examples: 1. tail it will print last 10 lines of the file by default. 2.  tail -n 50  it will print last 50 lines of the file 3.  tail it will pr