Effective Techniques for Prioritizing Product Features To prioritize product features effectively, consider the following techniques commonly recommended in product management: 1. RICE Framework (Reach, Impact, Confidence, Effort): Reach: Estimate how many users will benefit from the feature. Impact: Assess the potential effect of the feature on the user experience or business goals. Confidence: Evaluate how certain you are about your reach and impact estimates. Effort: Measure the resources and time required to implement the feature. Calculate a score (Reach × Impact × Confidence ÷ Effort) to prioritize features. 2. MoSCoW Method: Categorize features into: Must-have: Critical for the product's success. Should-have: Important but not urgent. Could-have: Nice to have but not essential. Won’t-have: Not a priority for the current phase. 3. Kano Model: Classify features based on user satisfaction and implementation effort: Basic Needs: Must be included or the product will fail. Perform...