
Showing posts from November, 2021

Quantum Internet Benefits

  The quantum internet is a network of quantum computers that are connected together using quantum communication. It has the potential to revolutionize many industries, including: Secure communications: The quantum internet would be inherently secure, as it would be impossible to eavesdrop on quantum communications without being detected. This could be used for applications such as secure financial transactions, government communications, and military applications. Quantum computing: The quantum internet would allow quantum computers to be connected together, which would allow them to solve problems that are currently impossible for classical computers. This could be used for applications such as drug discovery, financial modeling, artificial intelligence, and materials science. Quantum sensors: The quantum internet could be used to connect quantum sensors together, which would allow them to create a global network of sensors that could be used to monitor the environment, detect earthq

How to check SQL Query Performance in SQL Server ? #100daysofsql day 6

 Hi, In this blog post video, will gonna see about sql query related performance details using SQL server, In that sql server have one option "display detailed execution plan" which will show the detailed query performance information, For more details, check the below video  

Google Analytics connected with Tableau Dashboard

Hi, In this blog post we are gonna see about how to connect Google analytics with Tableau software Check this below video for more details,

How to create custom reports in Google analytics and flat file csv data ingest into SQL server ?

 In this post, we gonna cover in Google analytics how to create custom reports from dimension and metrics? In this below video, I have explained about Customer who visited my website pages from which city there are visiting and which Internet service provider they used to get the details.

How to get Google Search Queries data from Visitors in Google Analytics?

Let's say you have website, you wanna get the details about your customers / your visitors,  who had visited your webpage from google.  Do you wanna know about your website visitors who hit the Google website using some random keywords then this below video will give some ideas. insights about it.

How to check each customer views in Google analytics using User explorer option?

 Hi In this blog spot will cover about user / customer viewed details on your webpages in Google analytics - I had temporary setup Google analytics for my blog, so whoever visited my web page ! I can able do the user explorer and understand about each user viewing behavior based google analytics dimensions and metrics related information - In this below video randomly queries that insights data and checking that who are all users has seen my web pages and other relevant details 

Exploring and Data Ingesting between Google Data Studio, Google Analytics and Microsoft SQL Server

In this blog post,  will see about Exploring this blog's near Decade experience with Google Analytics and Google Data studio platforms   - Google Analytics - Insights intelligence tool to query and visualize   - Google Analytics - User Explorer  - Google Analytics Dashboard providing default data studio visual insights - Google Data studio - Behaviors and overviews  - From Google Data studio Export csv data and import data in SQL server databases  The above mentioned exploring the views, insights between Google Analytics, Google Data studio and Sql Server to ingest data viz'ed datas !! will be available in this below video with details

SQL Join Query - Building Complex Join Query - Day 5 #100days of SQL

 Hi , In this blog post will check the join queries SQL Join function below diagram shows difference possibilities   Below queries has been executed on the video podcast -- will see about join query from the db table schema diagram -- will check about product and transaction history table on join  query select * from Production.Product  -- 504 records select * from Production.TransactionHistory  -- 113443 records -- inner join select * from Production.Product p inner join Production.TransactionHistory t on p.ProductID = t.ProductID  -- full join or full outer join select * from Production.Product p full outer join Production.TransactionHistory t on p.ProductID = t.ProductID -- right join or right outer join select * from Production.Product p right outer join Production.TransactionHistory t on p.ProductID = t.ProductID -- left join or left outer join select * from Production.Product p left outer join Production.TransactionHistory t on p.ProductID = t.ProductID  -- now will complex join

Connecting SQL Server with Power BI Data Viz !!


Building Complex Sql queries using group by, having, Rank and top functions

 Sql Query with Where clause select ProductSubcategoryID, size, StandardCost, ListPrice, class, style from  Production.Product where ProductSubcategoryID is not null and  size is not null and StandardCost <> 0.00 and  ListPrice <> 0.00 and  class is not null and  style is not null     -- Complex SQL query with where, group by, having clauses and top, rank, dense_rank, row functions select Top 20 ProductSubcategoryID,  Max(StandardCost) as MaximumStdCost,  Max(ListPrice) as MaxListPrice, Max(ListPrice) - Max(StandardCost) as MaxDifferenceStandardFin, Max(ListPrice) / Max(StandardCost) as CostPriceRatio, Rank() over( Order by(Max(ListPrice) / Max(StandardCost)) Desc) as DistinctRankMaximumCostPriceRatio, Row_Number() over( Order by(Max(ListPrice) / Max(StandardCost)) Desc) as RankMaximumCostPriceRatio, DENSE_RANK() over( Order by(Max(ListPrice) / Max(StandardCost)) Desc) as DistinctRankwithNextSequence from  Production.Product where ProductSubcategoryID is not null and Standa

Building Complex ER mapping - Database Diagrams in SQL Server


Installing Nodejs using shell scripting in Linux Ubuntu 21


Installing MySQL server in Linux Ubuntu 21 using shell scripting and running basic SQL commands

Hi In this blog post I am sharing about to installing MySQL server in linux ubuntu 21 using shell scripting   In that shell scripting include that install package related dependencies for MySQL server that will address compatabilty with linux related packages like debians.   After that run the shell script command using exexcutable file like chmod +x and then execute the shell script file which has the sudo commands in it.   Once completed executing the command, MySQL server will be installed in your linux ubunutu 21 OS.  Check the MySQL version using "mysql -v"   Run the SQL commands using mysql in that linux terminal I have used the below SQL commands   > Use [databasename]  > show [table_name]  > show columns from [table_name]   Watch this below video for more details

Linux Ubuntu 21 : Setting Super User password and installing python new package 3.10.0

Hi all, In this video  - Setting new password for Super User , Root level privileges between Sudo -i vs Su Root options  - After that will installing the Python new package 3.10.0  

SQL Where Complex Query : #100daysofsql Day 3

 SELECT --43659, 43662   SalesOrderId,   SalesOrderNumber,   SubTotal,   OrderDate,   (     SELECT SUM(OrderQty)     FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail     WHERE SalesOrderID not in (43659, 43661, 43662, 43668)   ) AS TotalSales FROM   Sales.SalesOrderHeader WHERE   SalesOrderID not in (43659, 43661, 43662, 43668); The above query explained in this below video,

SQL Where Queries : Day 2 #100Days of SQL

Today, I am going to share about Where clause usages in SQL Query using Microsoft SQL server and AdventureWorks Database. We Will gonna use "Production.Product" Table in this examples, In this blogpost will see about where clause with other operators such as and, or, like, not null, null  Initially we will explore about Simple SQL where clause queries here, Later I will update more complex SQL where clause queries in future days. At First we will see the normal Query with resultsets select * from Production.Product  -- returned 504 rows of data In this below Query we will see about Safety Stock level value below 1000 -- where query for SafetyStock level below 1000 select Production.Product.ProductID,         Production.Product.Name,    Production.Product.SafetyStockLevel from   Production.Product where  Production.Product.SafetyStockLevel < 1000    In this below query will explore safety stock level values are above 600\ -- where query for SafetyStock level above 600 s