Integrating Gemini AI API with LangChain AI agents allows you to create a more dynamic and intelligent data science pipeline. Below is an example of how to accomplish this:
Steps to Integrate Gemini AI with LangChain
1. Set Up Gemini API: Use the Gemini AI API for specific tasks like preprocessing, training, and evaluating.
2. Define Tools: Use LangChain's Tool class to wrap Gemini API functions.
3. Create a LangChain Agent: The agent orchestrates the tools and interacts with the Gemini API.
Python Code
Install the required libraries:
pip install langchain openai requests pandas
import requests
import pandas as pd
from langchain.agents import initialize_agent, Tool
from langchain.llms import OpenAI
# Set your Gemini API key and endpoint
API_KEY = "your_gemini_api_key"
BASE_URL = "" # Replace with actual Gemini API base URL
# Define helper functions for the Gemini AI API
def preprocess_data_gemini(data):
"""Preprocess data using Gemini API."""
url = f"{BASE_URL}/preprocess"
headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {API_KEY}"}
payload = {"data": data.to_json(orient="split")}
response =, headers=headers, json=payload)
if response.status_code == 200:
processed_data = pd.DataFrame(response.json()["data"])
return f"Data preprocessing completed. Processed data: {processed_data.head()}"
return f"Error in preprocessing: {response.json()}"
def train_model_gemini(data):
"""Train model using Gemini API."""
url = f"{BASE_URL}/train"
headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {API_KEY}"}
payload = {"data": data.to_json(orient="split")}
response =, headers=headers, json=payload)
if response.status_code == 200:
model_id = response.json()["model_id"]
return f"Model training started. Model ID: {model_id}"
return f"Error in model training: {response.json()}"
def evaluate_model_gemini(model_id, test_data):
"""Evaluate model using Gemini API."""
url = f"{BASE_URL}/evaluate"
headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {API_KEY}"}
payload = {
"model_id": model_id,
"test_data": test_data.to_json(orient="split"),
response =, headers=headers, json=payload)
if response.status_code == 200:
metrics = response.json()["metrics"]
return f"Model evaluation completed. Metrics: {metrics}"
return f"Error in model evaluation: {response.json()}"
# Define LangChain tools
tools = [
func=lambda data: preprocess_data_gemini(pd.read_csv(data)),
description="Preprocess data using the Gemini AI API. Provide the path to a CSV file.",
func=lambda data: train_model_gemini(pd.read_csv(data)),
description="Train a model using the Gemini AI API. Provide the path to the training CSV file.",
func=lambda args: evaluate_model_gemini(args['model_id'], pd.read_csv(args['test_file'])),
description="Evaluate a model using the Gemini AI API. Provide the model ID and the path to the test data CSV file.",
# Initialize the LangChain agent
llm = OpenAI(temperature=0)
agent = initialize_agent(tools, llm, agent="zero-shot-react-description", verbose=True)
# Run the agent
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Example usage
file_path = "data.csv" # Replace with the path to your dataset
test_file_path = "test_data.csv" # Replace with the path to your test dataset
# Preprocess data
preprocess_result ="Preprocess the data from the file {file_path}.")
# Train model
train_result ="Train a model using the data from the file {file_path}.")
# Evaluate model
model_id = "your_model_id" # Replace with actual model ID
evaluate_result ="Evaluate the model with ID {model_id} using the test data from the file {test_file_path}.")
1. Gemini API Functions:
preprocess_data_gemini: Preprocess data via Gemini API.
train_model_gemini: Train a model using the Gemini API.
evaluate_model_gemini: Evaluate the trained model.
2. LangChain Tools:
Each tool wraps a Gemini API function and provides an interface for the LangChain agent.
3. LangChain Agent:
The agent orchestrates the pipeline and takes user instructions dynamically.
Example commands like "Preprocess the data from the file" are interpreted and executed by the agent.
Use Case
1. Interactive Workflow:
The agent allows dynamic interaction with the pipeline (e.g., re-run a specific step).
2. Extensibility:
Add more tools (e.g., hyperparameter tuning) or handle specific Gemini AI endpoints.
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